Thursday 18 May 2017

FRESH START! 13.1 day 1 of 133 days

Right I have 19 weeks before my holiday. I realistically want to lose 28 lbs so I am looking at 1lb and a half every week. Let's do this! I think I am too going to weight every Monday and Thursday and aim to lose half a pound each time.

I went to the community centre today and grabbed a quick latte afterwards.

Day 9 and 10 were not good

I have been so bad the last 2 days. Last night I got tucked into a massive bar of prep chocolate. On Tuesday I went for coffee at the acorn had a scone which wasn't too bad. Husband made smoked salmon risotto and I made a dessert from the remaining mascarpone by putting melted choc chips through it. Made some purees for bambino in the evening.
Yesterday I went for a picnic after baby sensory. Had coffee and cake but went home and ate 4 mini cakes. We had mozzarella pesto chicken for dinner. I ate 3 /4 of a 300g bar of prep chocolate.

Monday 15 May 2017

Weigh day 13.1 82sp

Hmmmm not the best day. So husband was off work today. Bambino only woke up once st 1.30 so got a good night sleep. I made purees for him this morning. We we t into Aberdeen to pick up a travel buggy and I took things back to shop. Got a cheeky mcdonalds on the way home.  I breast fed in the back of the car while husband went in and got it . Today hasn't been great and I also are some squishims and 3 cookie biscuit things which aren't pictured. I'll just have to make up for it the rest of the week. So much for never seeingv13 stone agsin.....
Oh and there are other photos of me in my dress where I don't look that big do feeling more positive but still determined. 19 weeks to go. Oh and 3 weeks ago I stupidly paid  £10 to diet bet. I will lose that money if I am not 12 12 by Monday!

Sunday 14 May 2017

Day 7 started well but ended badly

So last night I ended up having g sweets st the candy cart and some, not a lot of buffet. I was bad but not really bad. This morning I got the smoked salmon breakfast instesd of the fry up. We went a walk round Dundee with parents before leaving. Stopped at Peggys to feed bambino and I had the biggest bit of Apple pie with a cup of tea. I need to remember when out that soup is an option. I don't like the food from Peggys as the sandwiches look horrible but totally forgot that soup was an option. When we got home i aye some cheap chocolate my parents gave us from Malta. Ordered chinese.

Friday 12 May 2017

Day 5 50sp

Travelling down to Dundee even had some haribo in the car which I have counted. 

Thursday 11 May 2017

Day 4 59sp got my hair done

Left baby with husband to go and get hair cut and highlighted  not overly thrilled with the cut as it wasn't my usual hairdresser. Husband's brother came this afternoon as they are away to the darts. So night onion my own. Just as my pizza was ready baby woke up. Typical. Had a scone while watching the mummy diaries. Painted my nails with a non alcoholic cider that I haven't pointed. Watched real housewives of Orange county. When husband came home I had a cheeky hot chocolate.

FRESH START! 13.1 day 1 of 133 days

Right I have 19 weeks before my holiday. I realistically want to lose 28 lbs so I am looking at 1lb and a half every week. Let's do this...